Hassle-Free Conversion

Enter any JSON data and convert it to CSV format with ease. As you type, the tool will automatically convert your data in real-time. After which you can press the buttons to either copy the output to the clipboard or download as a file.

An Introduction

Hello! I hope you find my conversion site useful. Here are a few things of note.

I respect your privacy and don't store any of your file's contents. The conversion happens in your browser and nothing is sent to a server.

This is a free online tool. I place ads (mainly in the form of affiliate links) on the site to help pay for my expenses. If you find the tool helpful, please consider using the links to support the site. If you're interested in an ad-free experience across my sites for $20/year, please reach out to me at [email protected]. While I do place ads on the site, I do my best to keep them unobtrusive.

This is a project by Ben Maddox. I'm a software developer and entrepreneur. You can see more of my work at Maddox Labs. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or on x (formerly Twitter) at @benwmaddox.